Monday, January 18, 2010

Brokerage Cd As I Understand It, Large Brokerage Houses Like Scottrade Sell "pieces" Of A Very Large CD To Their Customers,

As I understand it, large brokerage houses like Scottrade sell "pieces" of a very large CD to their customers, - brokerage cd

and that the company holds tremendous CD in his name. If this is true, extend the government guarantee of up to $ 100,000.00 each person who bought a piece of the largest CD? You can not understand how it works. Please explain.


VTXrider said...

often part of an insured bank BFDF $ 100,000 in CD sales, as they are insured, but this is not always the case, each CD-Check

what said...

Brokers are not insured by the FDIC, first, no matter what.

You need to be covered by the SIPC, however.

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